© Mennonite Heritage Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Last updated January 31, 2003)
The Christian Heritage Library Collection was begun by David and Trudy Schellenberg of Winkler. Since they saw their collection of sermons by Mennonite bishops and ministers as a resource to the community, they chose the term "library" as part of the name for this archival collection. The collection was transferred to the Mennonite Heritage Centre in Winnipeg in 1997.
This collection consists of sermons or other writings of 166 individuals, sermons with no author given which were read numerous times by a particular branch of the Mennonite church, biographies of a number of missionaries, photographs of approximately 90 of the Mennonite ministers and some miscellaneous material.
There is a file list for each box in the collection and there are 85 of the 166 fonds have fonds-level descriptive records.
Much German and gothic script.
Preparation of 71 "new" fonds level descriptions and 14 "updated" descriptions and arrangement by Sharon H.H. Brown, December, 2002. Collection description by Alf Redekopp, January 2003.
Acc. No. 97-150
Volume 2104
1. Peter D. Berg sermons*
2. Abram Bergen sermons*
3. Isaak Bergen sermons*
4. Jacob F. Bergen sermons
5. George Bock sermons
6. Heinrich Born sermons ~
7. John B. Braun sermons*
8. Abram P. Bueckert sermons*
9. Dan Buhler sermons
10. Frank Buhler sermons*
Volume 2105
1. William S. Buhr reflections and theological notes*
2. Charles Dirks sermons*
3. Abraham Doerksen sermons ~
4. Heinrich Doerksen sermons
5. Bernhard R. Dueck sermons
6. Heinrich R. Dueck sermons
7. Peter Dueck sermons
8. Peter W. Dueck sermons
9. Simon Dueck sermons
10. Peter Dyck sermons
11. Jacob H. Enns sermons*
Volume 2106
1. John H. Enns sermons and other textual records*
2. Bruno Entz commentary on the Book of James*
3. Benjamin Ewert sermons ~
4. H.H. Ewert sermons ~
5. Jacob Falk sermons
6. William Falk (1892-1976) sermons*
7. David J. Fast sermons*
8. Jacob E. Fehr sermons ~
9. George Franz sermons and other textual records*
Volume 2107
1. Abraham Friesen sermons*
2. Cornelius W. Friesen sermons and other textual records*
3. Don Friesen sermons
4. Heinrich Friesen sermons *
5. Heinrich J. Friesen sermons
6. Heinrich S. Friesen sermons
7. Isaac P. Friesen autobiography and other textual records*
Volume 2108
1. Isaak P. F. Friesen sermons
2. Isbrand W. Friesen sermons*
3. Jacob H. Friesen sermons
4. Jakob W. Friesen sermons ~
5. John P. Friesen sermons
Volume 2109
1. Martin C. Friesen letters and other textual records*
2. N. N. Friesen sermons and poetry*
3. Peter D. Friesen sermons
4. Peter M. Friesen sermons*
5. Wilhelm Friesen sermons
6. Frank Froese sermons
7. Franz Froese sermons*
8. Gerhard Froese sermons*
Volume 2110
1. Jacob J. Froese sermons
2. John G. Froese sermons
3. Jakob R. Funk sermons
4. Johann Funk sermons*
5. John N. Funk sermons
6. John R. Funk sermons
7. Abram E. Giesbrecht sermons
8. Henry W. Giesbrecht sermons
9. Peter Giesbrecht sermons
10. Peter U. Giesbrecht sermons*
11. Johann H. Goossen sermons
12. Franz Guenther sermons
13. Elmer Hamm sermons
14. H. P. Harder sermons
Volume 2111
1. Johann W. Harder sermons
2. P. K. Harder sermons*
3. John Heinrichs sermons
4. Jacob N. Hiebert sermons
5. Peter Hiebert sermons
6. Heinrich Hildebrandt sermons*
7. Ed Hoeppner sermons
8. Isaak A. Hoeppner sermons*
9. Jacob N. Hoeppner letter*
10. Jacob Hoeppner letter*
11. Paul Hoeppner sermons
Volume 2112
1. David Hofer sermons
2. Harry H. Janzen sermons
3. Jacob H. Janzen theological booklet*
4. William Janzen sermons
5. Abram F. Kehler sermons
6. Peter P. Kehler sermons and other textual records*
7. Peter S. Kehler sermons*
8. Herman Klaassen sermons
Volume 2113
1. Jacob Klaassen sermons*
2. Michael Klaassen sermons*
3. Abraham Klassen sermons
4. David D. Klassen sermons ~
5. Jacob J. Klassen sermons and journal notes*
6. Jakob H. Klassen sermons
7. Johann Klippenstein catechism notebook*
8. Peter J. Kornelson sermons*
9. Cornelius B. Krahn sermons*
Volume 2114
1. A.A. Kroeker sermons and lessons*
2. Jakob B. Kroeker sermons
3. Arndt Lehn sermons
4. Franz Letkeman sermons ~
5. David H. Loewen sermons*
6. Gerhard J. Loewen sermons
7. Jacob J. Loewen sermons
Volume 2115
1. Jakob H. Loewen sermons
2. Gerhard Lohrenz sermons ~
3. Bernhard Neufeld sermons*
4. David H. Neufeld sermons*
5. David P. Neufeld sermons ~
6. Gerhard G. Neufeld sermons ~
Volume 2116
1. Gerhard Neufeld sermons*
2. J. J. Nickel published notes*
3. Jacob J. Nikkel sermons and other textual records*
4. Jacob E. Nikkel sermons
5. Franz C. Pauls sermons
6. Jakob B. Penner sermons
7. Jakob F. Penner sermons*
8. Peter E. Penner published document*
Volume 2117
1. John A. Peters sermons
2. Wilhelm J. Peters teaching notes and other textual records*
3. Gladwin Plett sermons
4. Johann H. Poetker sermons
5. H. H. Redekop sermons
6. David P. Reimer sermons ~
7. Peter J. Reimer sermons*
8. Peter P. Reimer sermons
9. George S. Rempel sermons*
Volume 2118
1. J. S. Rempel sermons
2. Peter A. Rempel sermons*
3. Franz Sawatsky sermons*
4. Jacob A. Sawatsky sermons
5. John J. Sawatsky sermons
6. Henry K. Schellenberg sermons
7. Henry S. Schellenberg sermons
8. Peter Schellenberg sermons
9. Peter P. Schellenberg sermons
Volume 2119
1. William J. Schellenberg sermons and other textual records*
2. Jacob W. Schmidt sermons
3. Abraham Schroeder sermons*
4. Jakob Schroeder sermons and funeral hymn texts*
5. William W. Schroeder sermons*
6. A.J. Schultz sermons*
Volume 2120
David Schulz*
Volume 2121
1. Cornelius Stoesz sermons ~
2. David Stoesz sermons ~
3. Abram A.Teichroeb sermons*
4. Aron F. Thiessen sermons
5. David Thiessen sermons
6. Isaac H. Tiessen sermons
7. Jacob J. Toews sermons*
8. Peter A. Toews sermons*
9. Peter K. Toews sermons
10. Peter T. Toews sermons
11. Peter P. Tschetter sermons
12. Peter A. Unger sermons
13. Jakob A. Unrau sermons*
Volume 2122
1. Peter Vogt sermons
2. Heinrich S. Voth sermons*
3. Johann Wall sermons
4. Abram A. Warkentin sermons*
5. Heinrich A. Warkentin sermons*
6. Isaak A. Warkentin sermons*
7. John Warkentin sermons*
8. John H. Warkentin sermons
9. Abraham F. Wiebe sermons*
10. Gerhard Wiebe sermons*
11. Joe Wiebe sermons
12. Peter F. Wiebe sermons
13. Peter S. Wiebe sermons
14. Frank Zacharius sermons
15. Peter Zacharius sermons
Volume 2123
Missionary biographies:
Helena Harder Loewen, Annie E. Dyck, Kathryn Dyck, Elmer Gerbrandt, Henry &
Klassen, Linda Banman, Dick & Anna Loewen, Jacob Dueck, Olga Pries,
Willems, Margaret Dyck, Esther Patkau, Mary Stobbe, Margaret Suderman, Isaak
Thiessen, J. Elmer & Laura Morison, Anne Goertz, Esara Bergen, Mildred
Jake & Alvina Goertzen, Sara Peters, Anne Penner, Peter & Anne
Giesbrecht, Lena
Volume 2124
Miscellaneous material
Volume 2125